How fitness improves mental health
I started my fitness journey two years back. I’ve reduced my weight from 124 to 95 kg and I’m consistently maintaining it. My consistency leads to discipline.
I exercise not only to be physically healthy but also because I think it’s good for my mental health. I believe fitness enhances mental health, as it has helped me feel less stressed and anxious. We all have a lot on our minds, including all the commitments and responsibilities we hold. Fitness can also act as a diversion, allowing you to find some peace and quiet in order to stop the loop of negative thoughts that feed depression. It can help you clear your mind, think more clearly and focus on what you need to do. Since the body and mind are linked in many ways, when your body feels better, so will your mind.
As everyone knows that fitness can help prevent and treat a variety of health issues. Doing it regularly can not only lowers stress levels but also enhances memory, helps you sleep better, and uplifts your mood in general. Your cognitive ability and self-esteem both get better.
I want to constantly have a positive mindset because I work in the creative industry, and I also want to have extremely strong cognitive abilities so that I can contribute more to both my profession and my personal life.
The purpose of sharing this is to bring awareness to people. A minimum 30-minute walk or other kinds of exercise is essential. Fitness may be a very effective tool for dealing with mental health issues, enhancing our energy and attitude, and getting more out of life.
The mental health benefits of exercise and physical activity may remain only if you continue with it over time, so identify something you love doing and establish acceptable targets for yourself. You should not consider it a burden, but rather an opportunity to improve yourself in various aspects.